Debut feature film by writer director Mark A.C. Brown, Guardians is a dark Thriller Comedy, starring Matt Prendergast, David Whitney, Mike Shepard, Victoria Johnston and star of the cult British Sci-Fi Red Dwarf, Hattie Hayridge.
Guardians had it's international premier in the US at Genreblast Film Festival in LA, taking home 3 awards for Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actress and Best Ensemble, and continuing its journey in the US it took home Best Feature at Saints and Sinners Film Festival in Florida. In the UK, the film won awards at Swindon Independent Film Festival, Romford Film Festival and Ramsgate Film Festival. During the latter, it garnered a Special Mention from Brenda Blethyn, the festivals patron. Recently, Guardians had it's Northern Ireland Premier at Join the Craic Film Festival, where it took home the
Best Feature Film Award.
Guardians is now available to download on Sky Store, ITunes, Amazon Video and Virgin Media.